To All Those Who Serve...Well Done

To all those who serve and who have served our country,

Thank You.

We remember.

We remember your sacrifice.  We remember your risk.  We remember your gift.

Your self-less giving for us all, that we might taste the freedom so many others long to.

We take it for granted.  Can we really appreciate your gift for us? 

Freedom isn’t free.

And the cost is often the very lives of those who seek to give freedom to others. 

And for all of you who have counted the cost of laying down your life for others,

We say,

 Thank you.  May you not be forgotten.

God sees.  He knows.  And whatever you have given for the sake of Christ, to serve Him in your calling as a soldier, it is a sacrifice worthy, because Christ is worthy. 

And if those who have gone before us had not considered their very lives to be worth the cost of taking the gospel to this America, then freedom would not ring throughout the earth today.  If the pilgrims hadn’t come seeking this freedom to bring the gospel to this land, to embrace a freedom for all, and risked even their lives to do it, then freedom would not ring in this land.  Because all true freedom is based on God’s freedom, and it is only when the Son sets you free that you are free indeed.

And our forefathers had tasted the True Freedom that makes all men free, and longed to share it with the world.  And at risk of their lives, they came to start this nation, a place where all men could be free.

And those who defend it today, defend this faith whether they know it or not.  This faith that longs for all men to know true freedom.

May we fight for the truth that is for those who come after us, that we lay down our lives. That even if we are the seeds that must fall to the ground and die in order to produce much fruit, if it is done for Christ, it is well done indeed.

Well done indeed, faithful servants.

Well done.


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