Celebrating the Light That Makes All Days Brighter
All this fall beauty becoming woolly winter-white, streaming in the last rays of sunlight as fall turns winter.
In the waning of light and fall, we see more of Him, His grace pouring fullness into our lives.
This, the season of thanksgiving and fullness, of harvest and blessing, we remember all His grace. That grace that makes us all His and all full of His light.
And even though the light of this world is waning, still in this season, we remember that this too is the season of waiting, of anticipation, of the Light to come into the world.
It's so easy to make this season of anticipation, a season of stuff, a season, of stuffing ourselves with food and possessions and we find ourselves full of all the wrong things, and empty in all the wrong ways.
We were meant to be emptied of us, so we could be made full of Him.
And all these dark days were meant to make us hungry for the Light.
So that when it breaks, we are ready to embrace it.

The Light of the World is coming. His light that fills all our dark days with Holy Light.
That babe in the manger who is the Light of the World, he comes, and he fills all this, with light.
Light that makes our darkness into day and all bright.
This is how I want to celebrate every day, with thanksgiving and light.
When the days seem full of more dark than light, it's grace that turns our hearts toward heaven, remembering this One gift, came to bring light and hope into all our days. To redeem the darkness and bursting here, shafts of glorious light.
The word on the kitchen wall it shouts it, "Celebrate!"
For the Light is coming.
And we are waiting to dance in the brilliance.
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