On the Cusp of Spring

The sun came out today. 

This is nothing short of a miracle because I think I had started to believe that it would never show its glowing orb again.

I mean, we all know that winter always becomes spring, but why is it that in the throws of icy deadness it can be believed that this is all that there is?

That is will always be that way.

That this is a good as it gets.

That life has taken a turn into ugly and there is no going back and you better just suck it up because this is all you're getting, the hard, misery of life.  The deadness of winter.

But then, just when we think we can't take one more long dark night, one long miserable day, it happens. 


Why is it always so hard to believe that God won't leave us in the dark forever?  That He loves us.  That He brings darkness, even death for a mysterious reason but

the morning always comes.

And spring, it always follows winter.

And God's love endures forever.

Listen friend, I know there are times when it feels like the dark has swallowed you and there is no getting out but hold on.  Hold on, joy always comes in the morning.

Listen, it might not be today, it might not be tomorrow but hold on, joy comes.

And really, sometimes, it is the long dark winter that makes us all the more grateful for spring.

Why is it always so hard to be thankful for what we have, and for who God has made us to be, and why is it that we continually need the tutoring of darkness to remind us of how glorious the light really is.

We're slow like that. 

Most of us, learn the hard way.  And all of our hearts incline toward sin and ungratefulness and we take for granted everything, even the light of the sun. 

Even the light of the Son.

And we need this winter of life to lead us deeper into His life, to share in His suffering, because without that sharing in suffering we can't share in His glory.  Why is it that I think I deserve endless days of sunshine? Of easy and painless?  Of light without end? Because I don't deserve it, but I long for it, why?

Maybe because we were created for glory and God.

And something deep within us knows that this isn't all there is and it isn't all we're meant for and the light, it beacons us deep and calls us out and says, "Follow me".

And maybe we are all a little like moths hunting the flame and the winter of life it just shows us how much we were meant for glory.  Meant for God.

And this God, who makes life from that which was dead, who calls us life out of the pit of earth, He makes all things new.  He makes all things new in Him.

The One who conquered death itself, who rose from that pit, He comes to give us all Life

Because winter can't stop the spring, and death can't stop the life.  Because the God who made dark He calls Himself the Light of the World and He comes to fill us all with Him.

And all this glorious grace, it pours like water flowing from the melted remnants of so much winter, reminding that grace is only birthed from death. 
Because it's not until you know you're dead, sin strangling, that you can receive His life.

And even this winter of life, bears testimony to His grace because it makes our hearts truly thankful for His spring. 


  1. just found your post from The High Calling link on Twitter.

    really love your photos...I used to live up north and I remember the winters felt like they would last forever!

    nice blog :)

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement! Blessings!


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