Giving Thanks for the Dark Days

The moon reflecting on snow, moonlight dances white over wonder of winter. I sit inside with candles flickering against the night air, heavy with the expectation of snow. Holding this pajama clad blond boy, coughing croupy, sick eyed and still. The others are visiting grandma and grandpa and the house is quiet and dim. The doctor said she couldn't believe it was croup. When I called and said it was croup, they didn't believe it because they usually see it only in the fall or spring but yes, it sure is croup, she said. "But this croup isn't that bad, it sounds worse than it is," she encouraged. I'd said that I knew, because I'd seen bad croup. So bad that it sent my firstborn to the hospital. At that doctor appointment the pediatrician took one look at us and told me to hold tight because he was calling for an ambulance. Me, pregnant with daughter and holding my lethargic feverish son, climbed into the ambulance and rode ...