Because Discipleship Means Dying and Grace Is Giving
Our neighbors are moving. And yesterday we said goodbye to the first friends we had made when we moved here. They are not moving far but it will be harder to have play dates and for the kids to see each other. We are sad to see them go. We said goodbye with some tears. Later in the day, the doorbell rings. It is the neighbor girl bringing us a card. Joy. Just joy. I think of all the neighborhood kids we have brought to church. I think of all the kids we have prayed for and had over for Backyard Bible Clubs and the endless hours of our yard filled to overflowing with kids by the dozen. And I am undone by grace. Because this was not my plan. Oh, I have spent years trying to protect my kids from the “world”, to keep them “safe”, to make sure they were doing the “right” things. I endlessly questioned if they should even play with kids in the neighborhood and what about the b...