For the Days When You Feel Like You're Sinking...
There are days when you feel like the walls are going to close in on you and suck you down, collapsing into the mess of life. January, this month of unending sickness it stretches on. Just when you feel like you're coming out of it, the waves come crashing again and again, and if you're not careful, you could get sucked into the rip current of life and pulled out to sea. Flailing and floundering until you feel that you've got no strength left to swim. I was telling a friend at church on Sunday that I thought that we were coming out of it. The sick subsiding from this house like the ocean tide, receding back to the depths where it belongs. I walked in the door from saying that only moments earlier to find my six year old running, hand over mouth, to the toilet to vomit. Awesome. Then the next morning, awakening to another child sick with a fever and oh, is this ever going to end? I could feel it, the self pity rising l...