The Habitation of Hope

Hope. That is the word that stands on the mantle proclaiming to all who enter, "Hope dwells here." This house was called House of Hope for many years before we came here. It shone like a lighthouse beaming through the inky black of night, like a city lit, burning on a hill. This is a place where God breathed hope and He keeps breathing, willing life to all the dead. Nine months ago when Out of Darkness came to steward this house of Hope, our drop in center, we had no idea what this adventure held. From our porch we see the women working on the corner, the homeless wander by, the addicted stumble up upon our stoop, all looking for that which satisfies and never runs dry, for the Hope that leads to Life forever and ever. We meet around this feasting table, rich dark wood, laden with food for a lost wanderer. We prepare a room with clothes to clothe the naked. And then we go out and invite them in. We go out to the alleys, the cor...