Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room
It happened on that busy pre-Christmas Saturday, amidst the whirl and spin of preparation. The light bulbs began raining. Or more specifically, it began raining out of the light bulbs. That’s what my four year old said as he ran for help, when, as he was sitting in the living room he saw water raining from the ceiling out of the living room light bulb. No one believed him at first. But he was thankfully persistent and in a moment people came running to see this spectacle of amazement, this miracle of sorts. Because who ever heard of raining light bulbs? And where was Momma? Well, I was Christmas shopping on the one day that there was time for that. And Daddy was in charge. He said it happened in five minutes. In five amazing minutes our two year old, who apparently was raised by chimpanzees, climbed up on the toilet, then from the toilet he climbed up onto the sink, from there he reached up in...