Unwilling Servant
"But Mom, I don't want to do this job any more" "I know you don't." "I'm tired of this job. Can't I do something else?" "This is the job I need done. I need someone to do it. I know you don't want to but this is what needs done." We were raking leaves, picking up the remains of the storm's destruction. My daughter was tired and hot and frankly just not feeling like being a part of the clean up effort. How many times have I said the same thing to God? God, I don't want this job anymore. I'm tired of this job. Can't I do something else? And in my own words, I hear His. My Heavenly Father gently reminding me that He still has a job that needs done. It's not the most glamorous job. It's not the most posh or polished. You don't get awards or rounds of applause for a job well done. It doesn't pay well, in fact it doesn't pay at all. But there are rewards. In kiss...